
2016-04-03 (5)
The reason for March’s absence.

An out-of-format post because I really needed to put this up to remind myself of how much I have gone through in March to the point that an email I just received from my supervisor about my Thesis made me cry – a good cry.

March has been busy. Although I spent less than half of March in college attending lessons, the other half was spent at home doing Thesis and revising for my last college exam that ended on the 24th.

Doing both simultaneously was no easy feat. In fact, I found myself spending 70% of my time on Thesis and only 30% on revision. Up until 2 days before the exam, I was still typing out my Thesis because our formative feedback was due the day before the exam. I was up till 2-3 o’clock in the morning just to get my Thesis ready for submission and spent the rest of the next 1/2 days trying to memorise and understand whatever material I could in preparation for the exam.

It was mad rush. I kept telling myself I should have prepared earlier but I realised there was no way I could have prepared anything earlier. I had already done my best. And the rest are in The Almighty’s hands. Whether I do well, or just barely passed the examination.. I will have to wait until the results are released.

You can tell I really spent a whole lot of my time on Thesis. That was why when I received this feedback email from my supervisor, I felt that everything was worth it, somehow. Thesis plays a big part of my one and only precious undergraduate honours year which is why I try really hard to make sure the work I produce is of a reasonable quality that my supervisor expects of me.

My favourite sentence of all was the last sentence in her email.

I look forward to us being able to submit this piece for a review article in the near future.

Because that was one of my major goals when I embarked on this journey. I looked up to my seniors who have graduated from this course and whose thesis have been published for people in our industry and the world to read. It’s not because I am interested in a research track or career, but it just gives me a sense of accomplishment that the work and the effort I’ve put in for this has been recognised by my college. It’s like I’ve made my mark.

That’s how I feel. That’s why this is so important to me.

× Nur

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