Burj Al-Arab & The Jumeirah Beach

Dubai Burj Al Arab
Burj Al-Arab & Jumeirah Beach, Dubai, UAE. Visited: 26 June 2016.

Since my first independent flight in 2012 to London with Emirates, the stopover in Dubai International Airport made me wonder what Dubai is like outside of the airport.

That year in June, my return flight consisted of a 25-hour transit which I was not aware of until 2 days before departure. I panicked and was frantically figuring out what I was supposed to do for 25 hours in a foreign land. I was with my classmate and we both booked the same return flight. I was also a broke student – living on financial assistance and bursaries from month to month – and even the London trip was made possible by financial assistance from my institution because it was a clinical placement opportunity for selected students. With only less than 3000 SGD for the entire month (inclusive of flights and accommodation and living expenses), I had almost no cash left on hand by the end of the month despite living frugally.

And by frugally, I really mean it – I walked to all of my destinations. From my accommodation to the hospital, to the attractions like Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace etc. Thank goodness for the weather and my trusty pair of legs and shoes. One day, I walked for the entire day on a weekend exploring Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens with my friend and we walked back both ways. It was crazy. I also cooked a lot because halal food was not easy to find in my area. The only thing I would buy would be a sandwich from Marks and Spencer in the hospital I was at. The rest of the money I spent wisely, making sure I get to visit all the places I wanted to visit in the UK – Cambridge, Liverpool, etc etc.

Back to the main purpose of this post – I was a broke student. I had no cash. My friend already had his accommodation settled at the Dubai International Airport Hotel. It costs 900 over AED at that time which equates to about SGD 300+. I couldn’t afford it. My parents couldn’t afford it.

I broke down crying that night in my room.

What am I going to do??? Why didn’t I check it when we did the booking??

I was so angry at myself.

Then, I thought:

I’m not going to waste the entire 25 hours inside the airport. I need to do something. Maybe I should go out and explore. But alone? 20 year-old me, exploring Dubai, alone? Can I do it? I’ve explored London on my own. I think I can. I know I can.

So I called my parents and told them that I’ll find a hotel room outside the airport that is more affordable. Then, I could have some rest and explore Dubai in the day. I mean, why should I waste this opportunity right?

My mum was horrified. There was no way she would let me do that alone! She rejected the idea so much. She almost called my Aunt and Uncle to fly over to Dubai to accompany me (because they get a free flight each year since Uncle works at the airport or something along that line). She said, “You’re not going anywhere. I’m going to get them to get you.”

Upset. Disappointed. Muddled thoughts.

I really wanted to do this. I wanted to experience solo-travelling. All this since 2012.

The next thing I know, my mum called me again.

“I booked a room at the airport hotel. You’re gonna stay in the airport and you’re not going anywhere else. Please, don’t let me worry about you.”

I had nothing else to say. My parents just forked out $300+ for a room for me inside the airport hotel. It was a 5-star hotel. And I was not going out of the airport.

Although the problem was settled, my heart wasn’t. My stay in the airport hotel was comfortable. What more can I expect? The hotel had all the amenities I needed. It is a 5-star hotel after all. And I didn’t have to worry about luggage or missing my flight. Food was abundant as well. But I kept wishing to get out of the airport to see Dubai.

It wasn’t time I guess. 2012 wasn’t it. Maybe I was too young to understand solo-travelling. Maybe I was mature enough but I knew better than to make my parents worry so much. Regardless, Dubai has always been on my visit list since then.

2016 was it.

I purposely booked a flight with an 18-hour transit on my way back home. I was adamant about it and my parents followed what I wanted. Because they knew my heart has been set on Dubai for 4 years now. My dream came true.

18 hours went by too fast. Despite that, we managed to visit old town Dubai, the Jumeirah district, and the much-raved about Souks, and last but not least, the Dubai Mall and Burj Khalifa. I can’t believe that just happened last weekend but it did. Those 18-hours were some of the harshest travel experience I’ve ever had because Dubai was sizzling hot! Temperatures were reaching 47 degrees celcius, yet, its residents are all cool about it. It was hot and dry. I felt like I was stepping into an oven every time I walked out of the tour bus. It was also fasting month, the month of Ramadan. I looked up to the people fasting in such conditions. I don’t know how I’d manage it if it were me.

The visit to Dubai made me feel thankful that Singapore’s weather is less harsh than that although I’ve seen reports saying temperatures were at a high 37 degrees here. Regardless, I don’t think I can ever compare the heat of 37 to the heat of 47 that I experienced in Dubai.

I’m happy I had this wish fulfilled and I get to see all the places I wanted.
Still, my heart yearns for a longer stay.

Dubai, I’ll be back.
