
23rd of June 2016 was the biggest highlight of my life.

It was the most amazing experience I have ever had the opportunity to receive and I can’t feel ever more blessed than I ever had. I brought my family along with me to Dublin so that they can witness me being conferred my degree. The degree for which I put a lot of hard work, tears and sweat into. The degree for which I fought hard for. I’ve never wanted to do this so badly before in my life.

It was a choice I made personally and one I will never ever regret making. I started later than my friends because I wanted to save up so much so I can do this degree with financial stability in mind. I worked hard for an additional year and restricted my spending so I could save so much that I needn’t worry about not having money to pay for tuition or for my own expenses. I saved up so much so my parents wouldn’t have to worry about selling the house or the car to pay for my education.

Thankfully, with the assistance I have received so far, and the subsidies from the government, I only needed to pay a fraction of my tuition fees and the rest were my allowance for the 9 months I would be away from work.

Because I didn’t have to worry about this, I could study without distraction. And I surpassed my own expectations having been conferred Honores Primae Classis (Honors of the First Class) at the commencement.

The ceremony was simple yet so beautiful. I could remember every single second of it. From the introduction of what and how the ceremony will be conducted, to conferring of my degree, signing of the Graduates list on the book of records and finally, the procession at the end where we walked out of the hall and into the Front Square, parading with pride and our certificates in hand. Proud parents and family members, students passing by and tourists and onlookers stopped in their tracks as we walked past them. We are proud Graduates of Trinity College and I was ecstatic to be present right there and then; to witness and to be part of the tradition.

Trinity College Dublin Summer Commencement 2016. Date: 23 June 2016.

I am so thankful to a lot of people who have guided me, motivated me, understood me and listened to my troubles as I went through those difficult 9 months.

My family, who always knows I’m trying my best and accepts my results whatever it is.
My classmates, who are always on hand to answer my never-ending doubts and calm my worries.
My good friend, who had so much faith in me and kept on insisting I could make it with First Class even though I highly doubted myself and was more than happy to even achieve a Second Class. 

I will always remember how much they play a part in my life at this stage. And I will always remember their sacrifices and their words to get me where I am today. I really would not have made through without all of them by my side. ♥

All of you are so precious to me.

A Fresh Graduate, 