Korean Folk Village, Suwon, South Korea


korean folk village 2014
Korean Folk Village, Suwon, South Korea Visited: 22 March 2014

Being an avid fan of Korean dramas, I have the tendency to visit filming sites where the dramas were filmed. The Korean Folk Village in Suwon is one of the largest folk village in Korea and a filming site to some of the best Korean traditional/periodic dramas.

All- time favourite Dramas such as Daejanggeum, Seonggyungwan Scandal, The Moon Embracing the Sun, Arang Satto and My Love from another Star had scenes filmed in the compounds of the Korean Folk Village – therefore, all the more a reason for me to visit it.

What I really like about the Korean Folk Village is that every one working in the folk village was dressed in traditional costumes called Hanbok. There were countless traditional games for visitors to try and also traditional performances like the folklore dance makes the traditional experience feel legit and real.

suwon folk dance_seoul 2014

It was a little difficult getting to Suwon because it’s outside of Seoul but a shuttle service is provided for visitors from Suwon Station so it makes life a little bit better. A full day in Korean Folk Village will allow any cultural enthusiast the legitimate Korean experience back in the old days.

#90 Minsokchon-ro, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do

More Info @ Korean Folk Village