Seongeup Folk Village, Jeju Island

jeju folk village 3 november 2013

My 3-day visit to Jeju Island in 2013 was packed full of activities because I wanted to cover as much places as I could. Having no prior knowledge of Jeju and the kind of activities we could do, we set out to Jeju Island only with a hostel room booked and a taxi driver who would bring us around the island.

I’ve heard of people driving around Jeju with a rented car. We wanted to do that initially but didn’t have much confidence in driving on the opposite side of the road and on the other side of the car. So, like many others as well, we sought out a taxi driver who could also understand and speak English to be our tour guide for the day.

Thankfully! We got a really nice tour guide and driver. He was not only friendly but also really good at taking photos for us! We didn’t have much places in mind and thought we should cover 2-3 places in his 8 hour shift. He was like.. 3? Only?

He took out his map, circled out the places we mentioned and then added:

“You can go here. Here. Here. Here. Here. and Here.”

We were more than grateful for his recommendations! It wasn’t only that, in between drives, he would stop at scenic locations and helped us with our photos as well.

One of my favourite places in Jeju was the Seongeup Folk Village! I like experiencing different cultures so this is definitely a good visit.

jeju folk village 2 november 2013
Seongeup Folk Village, Jeju. Visited: 24 November 2013.

The Seongeup Folk Village is a preserved village that was built during the Koryo/Goryeo Period. The thatched roof houses and stone clay walls are reminiscence of how people live back then. Surprisingly, we learned that people still do live in this village and its become also become a tourist spot to this day.

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