N Seoul Tower, Seoul

nseoul tower_seoul 2013
N Seoul Tower view of Seoul, South Korea. Visited: 30 November 2013

The N Seoul Tower sits right at the top of Namsan mountain. It gives a fantastic 360 view of Seoul.

There are 2 ways to get around Namsan and to the top of the tower:

  1. Hike your way up Namsan (with good stamina and walking shoes, this is really a good way to relax and enjoy a slow breathtaking walk up Namsan)
  2. Take a cable car from the foot of Namsan

It was our first time to Namsan and we weren’t sure where the cable car was. I remember asking a few Korean people for help – they’re all really helpful – and two people gave us two separate directions and information. One of them said that the walk up Namsan isn’t very long, and it’s just right up the stairs. The other told us to look for the cable car.

The sun was almost setting. We weren’t in our right minds – or should I say I wasn’t in the right mind. Since we didn’t really know where to find the cable car station and the tower is just right up the stairs, I accidentally treated my mum to a fat-burning 1.5 hours hike up Namsan. Heh. It was unintentional. My mum was mad. Her knees ached so bad. It wasn’t my fault. The kind girl said “It was just right up the stairs”.

I think the walk up is fine – there’s a lot of stairs… many actually… Every time I thought we were reaching, we weren’t.

But it was a scenic walk! I recommend route 1 because if you wanna feel Korean, you gotta walk those stairs. So many couples and families do it. Be healthy. (: ♥

105, Namsangongwon-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
서울특별시 용산구 남산공원길 105 (용산동2가)

More Info @ Visit Korea